1. I needed something to fill my time.
2. I was looking to connect with my students outside of the dorm-work, and of course
3. I have always loved to sing
---so why not join the OCA chorus?

The fact that the entire junior high—whether they liked singing or not--- was required to participate in choir would have been a good reason to decline. I almost groaned out loud when on the first day of class I walked into a room of hyper 12 year old boys.
I had no complaints when I ended up sitting beside not a student, but the other “extended community enrollee”-- my co-workers daughter. All I knew about her was that somehow the room always brightened when she entered, and that many of the students in my dorm clearly adored her. The fact that some of the girls considered her a younger sibling had made her even more interesting in my book… For weeks I had wanted to become better acquainted with the “little sister” of the girl’s dorm.
In one class period [45 minutes] I learned this 11 year old had a beautiful voice and was generous with her smiles. Within the first week I fallen in love her heart. She was easy to love. Hearing her sing to Jesus “fill us with the light of day” cut deep into my spirit. Her love for Christ was so whole and transparent, I would think, “the kingdom of heaven does indeed belong to such as these (Matthew 19:14)”
During her solo I would whisper my prayer to her Jesus under my breath, “oh Spirit, fill me too.”
If I close my eyes and think back to those lonely autumn days, I can still hear her song--youthful and pure-- in my memory. As I look back on these snapshots of memory I know my time at OCA was sanctifying and the hours spent rehearsing worship music with the choir, sacred.
My choir-buddy stayed a part of the OCA melody until life forced us from our home in the vale. For me transition made existence busy. I lost touch with the people who had been family to me.
Sometimes in all the busy changes, even God has felt far away.
Since leaving I have felt very disconnected.
So every few months or so I would peruse my OCA family’s facebook photos to reassure myself that my adoptive community is doing alright.
A couple weeks ago when I was browsing this former co-worker's FB page and found that her daughter is now writing worship songs. “That is so her!” I thought. Intrigued I decided to look up my choir buddy’s profile. She had posted Jeremiah 31:3, “[God] has drawn his people with loving-kindness.”
I swear God had her post that for me.
Somehow as I read that verse, I knew in the deep aching places within my soul, “He is drawing me too.” In my mind’s eye I saw Jesus resting his hand on my back as I wept and I knew I needed to know for myself if this man really does love me the way the verse describes—with unfailing, everlasting, drawing love.
The very next moment I felt the familiar whisper of doubt hiss, “The verse is about the nation of Israel, not you. It can’t be possible that God loves you the way you are.”
My inner conflict became a catalyst for a more in-depth study of the verse. I discover that Jeremiah is describing both the way God has historically loved the nation of Israel, and the nature of the love God promises to continue to show. It is true, God’s love drew the remnant of his people and it is drawing me. I found out the term “to draw” comes from the Hebrew word,מָשַׁךְ -- mashak, which refers to both the magnetism, and longevity of Agape love.
This means,
- God’s love for us draws-out, it continues through our days of wandering and exile.
- God’s love also draws-back his wandering children.
Until the Holy Spirit showed me how real the love of God is:

I am indebted for my choir-buddy’s radiant spirit, grateful that she does not hide her love for Christ. She has taken to heart the counsel of 1 Timothy 4:12, "Don't let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in life, in love, in faith and in purity."She will never know how greatly the world around her is impacted through the Spirit within her, but if she has the chance to read this I hope she is encouraged. God is speaking through us, even on Facebook.
An open return of encouragement,
At graduation yesterday the Central Christian College concert choir performed a song that made me think of you, Choir-buddy… It resonated within my spirit, gave me goose-bumps, and whispered to my heart again “You are being drawn. Now return and find rest.”
Know that you are a worshiper and this song is your heart… Close your eyes and listen. May you also find rest in the Love that has drawn you in your youth,
Psalm 46:10 says, "Be still, and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth."
Keeping Singing.
Keep Radiating your love for Him.
Your sister in Christ
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